Welcome to my main link page...........
From here you can read a little bit about myself,
Check out my 'stangs, visit my favorite sites, play some mad libs
and so on you get the point:)

You may find a link that is not up yet, please be patient.
(press control-D to bookmark my site so you can come
back anytime to see whatever it is that you didn't see)

Here I am...over here. MeeT The guy behind The mouse.

Who are The GraTeful Dead & why are They following me

Up and Go 5.0's

When is The last Time you MadLibed?

These aren'T jusT links To more links
They're links To more links ThaT are my favoriTe

This way To see one of a kind Schmeichel originals

More fun in here

Have questions, comments, want to see something on this site?
You know the routine.